I am reading a book called Simplicity Parenting by Kim John Payne. Excellent book so far (I am only in the first chapter). I am having aha moments frequently. A particular paragraph really struck home. Mr. Payne discusses many of his parents coming to him saying they didn't expect all the work, the chaos, the frustration that came with having children. They didn't sign up for this.
Parenting should be about the joy of being with your children. The hugs, giggles and learning moments. Some how this gets lost in the "I'm hungry", "Tommy hit me", and mountains of laundry, sleepless nights, having a million interrupted conversations with your romantic (what is that!) partner and I haven't even hit the teen years! The stress level is high for me right now. I am struggling to think straight, to plan for meals, schedules, etc. Household responsibilities are overwhelming. I clean the floor and two little munchkins come charging in with mud on their feet to find more cars and boats for the puddle outside. It is enough to send me over the edge.
I did NOT sign up for this.
We have many days and weeks where I am totally content to be in the thick of things. I manage very well. Our house is organized, relatively clean (we homeschool with 4 kids so the house is really LIVED in) and we are all happy. But when I am not on my game, it all goes to hell in a handbasket.
What do I do? Well, the first thing I do is start reading. Inspiration is a wonderful motivator. Blogs, books like the one mentioned above, anything that reminds you to dream. Then I step back to see where I can simplify and streamline our life. What can I do to take better care of me. I am the captain of this life, I need to remain steady and strong so all these shipmates can do their work knowing their boat isn't going to sink. (Even if the captain really really wants to jump ship at the next port) - what's with the boat analogy? hmmm...
Anyway, remember the dreams you had before you became a parent. Figure out a way to reclaim those. Find the love that you have for your children and your spouse. Let if fill you. Find the love you have for yourself. Hold it close and breathe.
Have a peaceful day.
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