Tuesday, August 24, 2010

So we begin....

Last week was a big week for us.  The first week of school.  I had intended on planning more before we started but the kids were excited to start, so we did.  It went really well and know I am scrambling a bit to make sure we keep the momentum.

We had taken a road trip to Southern California the week before and spent some time talking about missions and their history.  Since we followed the 101 or El Camino Real (The King's Highway) almost all the way to San Diego, we passed a majority of the 21 missions that were established by the Spanish so long ago.  We toured Mission Santa Barbara on the trip home.  It was beautiful.   We talked about the brick work and all the labor that went into  a building that survived earthquakes and the test of time.  The mission has had repairs done over the years but parts of it are original.

When we got home, we spent the week exploring the missions, talking about the Ohlone Indians who are indigenous to our area and their lifestyle before the Spanish came.  The Ohlone Days will be happening in a few weeks and we can get an idea of more of their customs. 

I feel like we are moving through local geography a bit out of order.  I had planned on starting with us, our neighborhood and spiraling outward from there, but the trip down south made the missions seem more alive so we went with it.  We will be taking a couple of day trips to visit Mission Santa Cruz, Mission San Juan Bautista and Mission San Antonio.  For this block and probably for this grade, I will not delve too much into the wrongness of removing lands from the indigenous people.  

This week, I am back tracking a bit and we will be looking more locally at our community,  who we are, the physical aspects of Santa Cruz and different history bits for the area.  This area is so rich and has such diversity,  I could really spend a great deal longer then the three weeks I planned.

We also spent some time working on mapping, form drawing, remembering the math skills we worked on last year,  practiced reading skills which I was quite pleased to see were not forgotten.  We finished reading the Seven Year Wonder Book which was very well received and worked on a little knitting.  It felt like a very productive week.

How was your week?

Monday, August 23, 2010

Menu Mondays!

I am definitely feeling uninspired lately.  Having a baby who doesn't sleep much really makes my brain feel fried.   But it helps me to stay focused to plan our menu out for the week.  I don't need to run to the store every day and we tend to eat healthier.

Fine dining (or not so fine!) at our house this week will include:

Monday - Baked beans, homemade sourdough bread and salad
Tuesday - Pasta bake with Veggies and Beef, Salad
Wednesday - Pad Thai with Chicken
Thursday - Lentil Soup (if it is hot we will have Chef Salad )
Friday - Taco Night
Saturday - Leftover night
Sunday - Grilled Fish, Veggies, Sourdough Bread

I have just found a sourdough recipe at Kitchenstewardship which actually worked for me and my family loves it.  She has tons of great tips and recipes. Let me know if you try any.

Have great day.

Friday, August 20, 2010

This Moment...

A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see...  inspired by Soule Mama

Have a colorful day!

Friday, August 6, 2010

This Moment...

A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see...  inspired by Soule Mama

Have a great day.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Menu Mondays!

Today we are off on a camping trip.  We will be in Big Basin State Park.  My family will be there and we will have some time to just soak up nature, play some games and do a little exploring.   The Menu would  make dining easy for a stay at home vacation.  Has anyone ever had a successful stay at home vacation?  We tried it once but it was very difficult to leave the work that was accumulating.  Maybe we will try it again.  Being in Santa Cruz is the perfect vacation spot.

But I digress.....oh how the mind wanders!  We return from camping on Wednesday hence the pizza.  I need to unpack, do laundry and put stuff away so I try to plan a cook it self meal.  Enjoy!

Monday- Grilled Sausages/Corn on the Cob
Tuesday- Pulled Pork Sandwiches/Carrot Salad
Wednesday - Pizza/Green Salad
Thursday - Chicken Soup/French Bread
Friday - Taco Night
Saturday - Meatloaf
Sunday - Grilled Sausages

Have a great day!