Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Where does the time go?

I can't believe it has been so long since I've written.  My life often feels like a blur.  We have just celebrated three family birthdays, spent time at the beach, planned a family camping trip and made another enjoyable trek to the snow country.

Now I am settling back into our homeschool routine with a gardening block.   Tomorrow I will head to the nursery to pick up some seeds to plant and a few other flowers which catch my eye.  We will also feed our herb garden and our lemon tree this week.

We will are making these lovely tutus for a local dance recital.  It took some thought and a couple of prototypes which were not quite up to my standards.  But I think it is perfect.  The girls will look adorable in it.

Tomorrow will be the day where I won't work and will just spend time playing with my family.  Hope you can carve out some space to do something you love.

Enjoy the lovely spring sunshine!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Did I check the disclosure box for this?????!!!!

I am reading a book called Simplicity Parenting by Kim John Payne. Excellent book so far (I am only in the first chapter).  I am having aha moments frequently.  A particular paragraph really struck home.  Mr. Payne discusses many of his parents coming to him saying they didn't expect all the work, the chaos, the frustration that came with having children.  They didn't sign up for this.  

Parenting should be about the joy of being with your children.  The hugs, giggles and learning moments.  Some how this gets lost in the "I'm hungry", "Tommy hit me", and mountains of laundry, sleepless nights, having a million interrupted conversations with your romantic (what is that!) partner and I haven't even hit the teen years!  The stress level is high for me right now.  I am struggling to think straight, to plan for meals, schedules, etc.  Household responsibilities are overwhelming.  I clean the floor and two little munchkins come charging in with mud on their feet to find more cars and boats for the puddle outside.  It is enough to send me over the edge. 

I did NOT sign up for this.

We have many days and weeks where I am totally content to be in the thick of things.  I manage very well.  Our house is organized, relatively clean (we homeschool with 4 kids so the house is really LIVED in) and we are all happy.  But when I am not on my game, it all goes to hell in a handbasket.

What do I do?  Well, the first thing I do is start reading.  Inspiration is a wonderful motivator.  Blogs, books like the one mentioned above, anything that reminds you to dream.  Then I step back to see where I can simplify and streamline our life.  What can I do to take better care of me.  I am the captain of this life, I need to remain steady and strong so all these shipmates can do their work knowing their boat isn't going to sink.   (Even if the captain really really wants to jump ship at the next port) - what's with the boat analogy? hmmm...

Anyway, remember the dreams you had before you became a parent.  Figure out a way to reclaim those.  Find the love that you have for your children and your spouse.  Let if fill you.  Find the love you have for yourself.  Hold it close and breathe.

Have a peaceful day.


Friday, March 12, 2010

The Man of Many Questions???

My youngest son is the master of "Why?".  Every thing you say to him brings on this question.  It is very difficult to redirect him so he doesn't get too focused on having an answer.  But he is tenacious.  It will serve him well as he grows into adulthood.  Right now it only serves to drive me nuts!  Really, how does one find a suitable answer to a conversation like this? -

"Get your shoes, it's time to go to the park."


"Hmmm, I wonder...."

I love this quote.  It is so appropriate.

 "It is not every question that deserves an answer."
 Publilius Syrus, Maxims

Have a great day!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Adventure at Elkhorn Slough

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Time to go!
Have a lovely day!

Monday, March 8, 2010

The importance of planning


I've  lost my way.  How did this happen?  I forgot to make a yearly plan for our homeschool.  

We use a curriculum but I pick and chose from it.  I try to plan our yearly goals as we have 3 kiddos doing "school" of sorts.  We write down a daily plan.   However, I feel like our lessons have become somewhat random and unconnected.  

It happens to me every year. We are completely gung-ho for the first half of the year and then January hits.  I get a yearly case of the blues in January that morphs into spring fever.  So hence the need for a really strong guide that I can follow.

So last night I pulled out my planner and the curriculum and set out to make a guide so we can finish the year properly (in my mind anyways!).

It is quite the task but having a plan for our days really make life's rhythm much smoother and enjoyable.  I feel good about starting our "school" this week.  Yeah!  Now if I could just figure out what's for dinner.  Ha.

Have a great day.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Slow Down!

 Our fast pace of living takes its toil.  Anxiety rises as we try to answer all the demands that inundate us each day.  The world bombards us with information from the moment we get up to the moment we go to bed.  Most of our time “sleeping” is spent tossing and turning, running through the day’s events and planning the most efficient agenda for the next day.

Maybe it is time to slow down.  I wonder if we would feel more satisfied if we could spend an hour each day in silence?   Or if we spent a day each week away from the phone, the computer, tv, automobile and newspaper.

Create a cocoon.  Take a walk.  Eat simply.  Read.  Be with your family without distractions.  Be with yourself without distractions.

How difficult would it be to really sink into this quiet place?  Would it be hard to turn off the chatter, the “I should be doing this” in our heads?  Would we be more productive during the week?  Sleep better?  Hear our hearts desires?

I would like to try this as an experiment for three months.  Care to join me?  Even as I put that out there, I am trying to figure out where to squeeze it in.  It will take a conscious effort on my part to clear this space.  Will it be worth it?  Let’s see.

Here is the plan.  Slow down.  Take one day a week and step back.  No work is allowed.  No household chores (other than feeding yourself).  No errands.  No to do list.   Celebrate simplicity and calmness.  Let me know how it goes.

Have a great day!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Food for thought


"We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiastic about."  Charles Kingsley

 Before kids, I felt as if I were searching for something that inspired and challenged me.  Something I was so enthusiastic about that any fears of looking silly or not succeding became unimportant.   I took different classes in college.  Attempted different career paths.  Pursued hobbies.  

The thing that I have found the most enthusiasm for is being a parent.  I LOVE being a parent.  It is the most satisfying thing I have ever attempted.  Guiding four people into this world has tested me, frustrated me and given me a greater pleasure than anything I could ever anticipated.

This period in my life is fleeting.  My little ones are growing and changing rapidly.  I watch and learn from them.  They follow their instincts.  They are enthusiastic about learning whether it is learning to walk, ride a bike or any of the millions of other things they wish to master.   They fall and get right back up.  They seek answers to their questions. They have given me a gift.  To find a passion and pursue it uninhibited.

Have an inspired day!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Road Trip!


We went to Bear Valley, California this week to play in the snow. 

It was beautiful and sunny the first day.  




The second day we woke to a steady snowfall.  It was delightful.  

Mother Nature continues to humble me with her beauty.  

My children enjoyed every moment of our trip and are already bombarding us with questions about when we are returning for more snowy fun.

Have a great day.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Self Creation


I have been creating handmade items for many years.  My abilities have improved greatly since that first attempt at sewing by myself when I was 11.  I misread a the jumpsuit pattern and instead of creating two pant legs, I created a uni-leg.  It was awful.  I ripped out the stitching and managed to repeat the same mistake all over.  Aaarrgghh.  Now I find the tasks that I found so difficult and frustrating when I first started creating (there were many days where I swore I would never sew again) no longer slow me down.

Over time certain design elements have become important to me in my sewing and crafting. 
  • it must be practical
  • it must be pleasing to the touch and easy to wear
  • there must be interesting details 
  • it must be beautiful
Now I have begun venturing into new territory - e-commerce.  The development of the product line for the new business has been great fun.  Navigating the set-up of the website has not been so easy.  There is so much to consider and so much terminology which is completely foreign to me; HTML, encryption, SEO, domains, hosting, etc.....Yowzer!  How's a girl to see straight?  

The good news is I am getting it.  Mistakes happen but I am learning to fix them and improve on the original product just like the process I went through when learning to sew. 

I am very excited about the developing website.  I think we have a wonderful opportunity to share products that are lovingly made by us.  I hope you will like them too.

Have a great day.