Saturday, March 6, 2010

Slow Down!

 Our fast pace of living takes its toil.  Anxiety rises as we try to answer all the demands that inundate us each day.  The world bombards us with information from the moment we get up to the moment we go to bed.  Most of our time “sleeping” is spent tossing and turning, running through the day’s events and planning the most efficient agenda for the next day.

Maybe it is time to slow down.  I wonder if we would feel more satisfied if we could spend an hour each day in silence?   Or if we spent a day each week away from the phone, the computer, tv, automobile and newspaper.

Create a cocoon.  Take a walk.  Eat simply.  Read.  Be with your family without distractions.  Be with yourself without distractions.

How difficult would it be to really sink into this quiet place?  Would it be hard to turn off the chatter, the “I should be doing this” in our heads?  Would we be more productive during the week?  Sleep better?  Hear our hearts desires?

I would like to try this as an experiment for three months.  Care to join me?  Even as I put that out there, I am trying to figure out where to squeeze it in.  It will take a conscious effort on my part to clear this space.  Will it be worth it?  Let’s see.

Here is the plan.  Slow down.  Take one day a week and step back.  No work is allowed.  No household chores (other than feeding yourself).  No errands.  No to do list.   Celebrate simplicity and calmness.  Let me know how it goes.

Have a great day!

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