A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see... inspired by Soule Mama
Give your pet an extra snuggle today. Life is short, cherish the small things.
Friday, July 30, 2010
This Moment...
golden retriever,
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Increasing Fluid Intake
Plain water is good but sometimes I need something a little more interesting to motivate me to increase my fluid intake. Water is vital to our health. When you are properly hydrated, your mind functions better, your skin glows, you have more energy, and for nursing mamas like me -it improves your milk production. It is easy to forget to drink enough on a busy day but since I am also working out more, I notice that I don't perform as well on days when my water intake is low.
Just recently I figured out a way to increase my fluid intake which is super easy and quite tasty. It is very simple and works especially well during the warm summer days.
Make a pot of your favorite herbal tea. Put it in the refrigerator. This stays fresh for about 24 hours (if you don't drink it all first!). Drink frequently throughout day. I have used green tea, chamomile, chamomile lavender, peppermint, and white tea. They were all very good iced and I found the flavor motivated me to drink more.
Remember to take care of yourself so you can take care of your family!
Enjoy your day!
Just recently I figured out a way to increase my fluid intake which is super easy and quite tasty. It is very simple and works especially well during the warm summer days.
Make a pot of your favorite herbal tea. Put it in the refrigerator. This stays fresh for about 24 hours (if you don't drink it all first!). Drink frequently throughout day. I have used green tea, chamomile, chamomile lavender, peppermint, and white tea. They were all very good iced and I found the flavor motivated me to drink more.
Remember to take care of yourself so you can take care of your family!
Enjoy your day!
Menu planning,
self care
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
In Memory of...
Miss Molly Muffin
My beloved companion and friend
February 1998-July 26, 2010
I will miss you and your smile. You are in my heart and mind forever.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Menu Mondays!
I have been working towards more organization in our little world. School time is rapidly approaching. We always have to eat and there is nothing worse than getting to the end of the day, being exhausted and not knowing what's for dinner. This is our weekly menu. I try to keep everything fresh and as close to nature as possible (though cutting corners for the sake of time and sanitity is necessary on occasion!). I am also working to reduce our food budget.
Monday- Bean Burritos
Tuesday-Steak Salad with Braised Carrots (leftovers from Sundays dinner) and Sourdough Bread
Wednesday - Antipasto Salad (recipe from the menu mailer at Kitchen Muse- which appears to be no longer in business), Green Salad
Thursday-Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese,Green Salad
Friday - Taco Night
Saturday - Leftover Bean and Bacon Soup (from the The Healthy Home Economist blog - I will make a double batch of this and freeze the rest for later) , Green Salad, and Cornbread
Sunday -Grilled burgers, Potatoes fries, and Corn on the Cob
The focus for me for the next week or so will be figuring out not only a school rhythm but also a stronger life rhythm which help support us as move through our homeschooling year.
Enjoy your week!
Menu planning,
Friday, July 23, 2010
This Moment
Inspired by SouleMama
A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Planning For School
I have been studying diligently. We will be starting our homeschool year in two weeks. Two weeks!!! Yikes. I am reading curriculum. Thinking about how our days will work. How the week will be laid out to fit the home lessons and the extracurricular classes which we enjoy. We are using Christopherus Homeschool kindergarten, grades 1 and 4 this year. I will also be using Before Five in a Row for my preschooler so he doesn't feel left out.
It can be a little overwhelming to try to process all this information, lay out a basic guide of goals for the year and make sure I have all my materials. But when I have planned well, our days, weeks, year goes smoothly and we accomplish what needs to be done. We also have plenty of time to play and travel which is also important to us as a family.
Even if you don't homeschool, it is important to plan. When you provide your family with a basic framework of how your days will look, life is so much more pleasant.
You might think that this will make life more complicated, but in reality, a little structure relieves a considerable amount of stress. You know what needs to be done, your house will be cleaner, and your meals more nutritious. This will free up your overtaxed brain to focus on other tasks and allow you to move efficiently through your days. Perhaps you will find you have more time to take care of yourself or spend some time doing something fun and unexpected with your family.
Enjoy you day. I have some planning to do!
It can be a little overwhelming to try to process all this information, lay out a basic guide of goals for the year and make sure I have all my materials. But when I have planned well, our days, weeks, year goes smoothly and we accomplish what needs to be done. We also have plenty of time to play and travel which is also important to us as a family.
Even if you don't homeschool, it is important to plan. When you provide your family with a basic framework of how your days will look, life is so much more pleasant.
You might think that this will make life more complicated, but in reality, a little structure relieves a considerable amount of stress. You know what needs to be done, your house will be cleaner, and your meals more nutritious. This will free up your overtaxed brain to focus on other tasks and allow you to move efficiently through your days. Perhaps you will find you have more time to take care of yourself or spend some time doing something fun and unexpected with your family.
Enjoy you day. I have some planning to do!
Menu planning,
self care,
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Surviving Teething
How am I coping with a toddler who is teething? Not well I am afraid. It has been two weeks of no sleep and much crying and holding during the day. I feel spent.
How to survive teething? In a word --- Drink heavily! Just kidding. Under usual circumstances, Hyland's Teething Tablets help. Little missy has 6 teeth coming in right now so it isn't quite powerful enough .
Go on long walks. Stay outside. The fresh air does wonders.
Know in my heart that I can survive anything. This to shall pass and will become only a faint memory in the long memory of childhood.
Have a great day.
How to survive teething? In a word --- Drink heavily! Just kidding. Under usual circumstances, Hyland's Teething Tablets help. Little missy has 6 teeth coming in right now so it isn't quite powerful enough .
Go on long walks. Stay outside. The fresh air does wonders.
Know in my heart that I can survive anything. This to shall pass and will become only a faint memory in the long memory of childhood.
Have a great day.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
My love of baby carriers
I love baby carriers. I think I have eight or nine in my closet right now and have passed on or sold countless others. My favorite changes with each baby and often with each developmental stage.
My first experience was a New Native pouch sling that was entirely too large but I loved wearing my little charge in it and she was so happy. (I did daycare for a neighbor baby before I had kids). After I had my first baby and realized that these little people have their own agenda which didn't necessarily coordinate with mine. I began my search for an ideal carrier so that my baby was happy and I was able to move through my day as I needed.
My first sling was so ugly and hugely bulky. But it was super soft and the baby was very content when in it. I invested in a Baby Bjorn so that I was able to take long walks with my little as she craved constant movement and circling around the butcher block in the kitchen became rather dull after the 100th time. When she became too big for the Bjorn, I purchased a Kelty frame backpack. This also served its purpose but was bulky and hard to travel with.
By the arrival of the second child, I was thoroughly educated and in love with attachment parenting (didn't have a clue with the first but boy did she educate me!). I invested in a Maya wrap sling and an Ergo backpack. I found the Maya wrap convenient, portable and good for discreet nursing. The Ergo is my workhorse of carriers. The last three babes have spent many contented hours in it hiking, walking, at the park, grocery store, outings, etc.
I have also loved my wrap carriers - a Moby wrap and a Ellaroo especially with when my third and fourth babies were new. This allowed me to hold them all day and run around with the older ones. The down side of these carriers for me is wrapping them. While not difficult, it does take some practice. They are definitely super comfy for many, many hours of baby holding.
My last type of carrier style which I use frequently these days is a pouch sling by Slinglings. I bought one of these when I had number 3 and found it to be the most convenient of carriers especially in the childhood phase of wanting to held but needing to be put down to walk constantly.
I finally took the plunge and made my first pouch sling just recently. It was so easy. I used a combination of two patterns - one from Parkbird Patterns and the other from Amanda Soule Blake's Handmade Home . Last week, I finished a pouch sling for a baby gift. So pretty. I don't know if it will get used much. But I feel good that I am passing on something that I found to be vital in my parenting.
I loved being so close to my babies. It has helped meet their needs more easily. It has also allowed me to meet my needs. None of this would have been possible without all my baby carriers. They have saved my sanity many times over and made me a better parent as well.
There is tons of information out there on wearing your baby. If you haven't tried it, you don't know what you are missing!
Have a great day!
My first experience was a New Native pouch sling that was entirely too large but I loved wearing my little charge in it and she was so happy. (I did daycare for a neighbor baby before I had kids). After I had my first baby and realized that these little people have their own agenda which didn't necessarily coordinate with mine. I began my search for an ideal carrier so that my baby was happy and I was able to move through my day as I needed.
My first sling was so ugly and hugely bulky. But it was super soft and the baby was very content when in it. I invested in a Baby Bjorn so that I was able to take long walks with my little as she craved constant movement and circling around the butcher block in the kitchen became rather dull after the 100th time. When she became too big for the Bjorn, I purchased a Kelty frame backpack. This also served its purpose but was bulky and hard to travel with.
By the arrival of the second child, I was thoroughly educated and in love with attachment parenting (didn't have a clue with the first but boy did she educate me!). I invested in a Maya wrap sling and an Ergo backpack. I found the Maya wrap convenient, portable and good for discreet nursing. The Ergo is my workhorse of carriers. The last three babes have spent many contented hours in it hiking, walking, at the park, grocery store, outings, etc.
I have also loved my wrap carriers - a Moby wrap and a Ellaroo especially with when my third and fourth babies were new. This allowed me to hold them all day and run around with the older ones. The down side of these carriers for me is wrapping them. While not difficult, it does take some practice. They are definitely super comfy for many, many hours of baby holding.
My last type of carrier style which I use frequently these days is a pouch sling by Slinglings. I bought one of these when I had number 3 and found it to be the most convenient of carriers especially in the childhood phase of wanting to held but needing to be put down to walk constantly.
I finally took the plunge and made my first pouch sling just recently. It was so easy. I used a combination of two patterns - one from Parkbird Patterns and the other from Amanda Soule Blake's Handmade Home . Last week, I finished a pouch sling for a baby gift. So pretty. I don't know if it will get used much. But I feel good that I am passing on something that I found to be vital in my parenting.
I loved being so close to my babies. It has helped meet their needs more easily. It has also allowed me to meet my needs. None of this would have been possible without all my baby carriers. They have saved my sanity many times over and made me a better parent as well.
There is tons of information out there on wearing your baby. If you haven't tried it, you don't know what you are missing!
Have a great day!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Menu Mondays!
Since the arrival of Miss Summer, I often find dinnertime rolling around and me standing in the kitchen realizing I don't have the items to make a complete meal let alone a healthy one. Really, how do I make burritos when I forgot to buy beans and the cheese we have is starting to look rather blue when it really should be cheddar.
School time is fast approaching and our life is only going to be more chaotic. I need to get organized and get some good routines in place. Mealtime is the best and easiest place for me to start.
Maybe my weekly menus will be a springboard for you to simplify your life a bit. Feel free to use it in your own kitchen. I will be happy to share recipes.
For the week of July 19th-
Monday - Roast Chicken/Asparagus/Salad
Tuesday - Spaghetti with Meat Sauce/ French Bread/ Salad
Wednesday - Red Beans and Rice/Salad
Thursday - Chicken/Veggie/Pasta Soup
Friday - Taco Night
Saturday - Grilled Salmon/ Green beans/Cornbread/Salad
Sunday- Celebration Dinner- Steak/Sweet Potatoes/ Salad/French Bread - (I am running the
Wharf to Wharf 10k race)
Eat Well and Have a great day!
School time is fast approaching and our life is only going to be more chaotic. I need to get organized and get some good routines in place. Mealtime is the best and easiest place for me to start.
For the week of July 19th-
Monday - Roast Chicken/Asparagus/Salad
Tuesday - Spaghetti with Meat Sauce/ French Bread/ Salad
Wednesday - Red Beans and Rice/Salad
Thursday - Chicken/Veggie/Pasta Soup
Friday - Taco Night
Saturday - Grilled Salmon/ Green beans/Cornbread/Salad
Sunday- Celebration Dinner- Steak/Sweet Potatoes/ Salad/French Bread - (I am running the
Wharf to Wharf 10k race)
Eat Well and Have a great day!
grocery shopping,
Menu planning,
Friday, July 16, 2010
This Moment wtith my new camera
I am so inspired by SouleMama -
A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.
Where the kids go that were holding these sparklers?
I finally bought a camera of my very own. I so excited as I won't be sharing (not that there is anything wrong with sharing!) with my hubby who seems to conveniently need the camera on the same day I try to take pictures for my blog or the etsy shop.
After much research, I am now the proud owner of a simple but effective Kodak EasyShare Z91. I love the pictures I am getting.
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